Nephrite Jades
钱袋: 聚财之吉祥象征
玫瑰: 让幸福像玫瑰般绽放
福: 将福气植在你心中,越累积越多
笑佛: 带有鸿运当头,如意吉祥的寓意
吉祥鱼: 鱼和余同音, 寓意为年年有余
吐钱蟾蜍: 象征着财富源源不断,财源滚滚
爱心: 象征一颗爱你不停息的心,爱你无法停止悸动的心
帆船: 承载对梦想的坚持和对机遇的把握,意喻事业一帆风顺
小猪: 这个猪年,戴个可爱的多美小猪和田玉吊坠应个景,招好运!
盛开的花: 象征自爱,告诉你只需打开你美丽花瓣,散发出迷人的芬芳
白菜: 取自其谐音,意为“百财”, 有聚财、招财、发财、百财聚来的含意
葫芦: 葫芦与福禄音同,多美葫芦和田玉吊坠是富贵也是长寿吉祥的象征
Nephrite Jade is praised for its ability to be carved into different shapes especially the auspicious symbols. It generates luster that creates an appearance of creamy and transparency, representing understated elegance and sophistication.
Nephrite Jade is believed to carry a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is also said to have a clearing energy that stabilise the emotions.
Fu: accumulate blessings
Pig: shower positive abundance
Love: symbolise unstoppable love
Rose: let happiness bloom like a rose
Gourd: symbol of wealth and longevity
Cabbage: gaining abundance of wealth
Money Bag: symbol of money flowing in
Auspicious Fish: symbol of abundance and prosperity
Money Frog: symbolise the continuous flow of wealth
Blooming flower: love yourself and be always blooming
Laughing Buddha: symbolise happiness and bring good luck
Sailboat: accentuate your ship of dreams on the ocean of opportunity